Page 11
“Really Wes?” I giggled. “But nah seriously, me and Roman are over. He had pushed me down in Miami and I’ve been feeling some type of way behind that. Just looking at him different and shit, and I’ve kind of been fucking with his brother.”
“Yeeeees,” Wes snapped and then the phone dropped again and all I heard was him clapping his damn hands. This nigga was more dramatic than I was. “When you say fucking with him, do you mean chilling or fucking, fucking,” he asked, coming back on the phone.
“Okay den biiiiitch. Wait, he is single right?”
“Yeah. I actually moved out of Roman’s and stayed with Zeus for like two days and now I got my own condo. I don’t have friends but you, so when I get everything situated, we can have a girl’s night out with just the two of us,” I told him. I placed the car in reverse and backed out of the leasing office. I planned to start moving my things tomorrow. I wanted to enjoy my last night in Zeus' house with him. All over the house, if you know what I mean.
“Congratulations,” Zeus said. He was in another city right now handling business and would not be at the house for a few hours. I decided I would cook a nice ass dinner, put on some lingerie and let him eat me for dessert.
“Thanks. See you later and make sure you come home on an empty stomach.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked, voice high as fuck.
“Yep. Be careful Bye.” I hung up so fast before he could start asking questions. Knowing Zeus, he was going to hurry up with the business he was handling and rush back to Dallas. I couldn’t wait to smell that man. Him and his cologne were intoxicating.
The doorbell rang and I answered it. Confusion spread on my face when I saw this cute woman in this cute little fit with a bucket of cleaning supplies. I opened the door at the same time texting Zeus.
“Um... Is Zeus here?” she asked, surprised and annoyed that I was the one who answered instead of him.
“Um... no,” I mocked her.
“Well, I’m Shay. I clean his house once a week.”
She cleans my house crazy ass girl. Let her in so she can do her thing.
That was the message Zeus sent me. I’m glad he knew I was crazy. I stepped to the side and allowed her in, rolling my eyes once again at this little fit she had on. It was a baby blue cotton outfit that I had in pink. Something I wore around the house alone or just chillin’ with my man. She wasn’t doing none of that at this very moment. Shay appeared a little too comfortable for me and that had me wondering if Zeus had fucked her.
I closed the door and my eyes and talked myself out of texting Zeus and asking him because inquired minds are wanting to know. But... I didn’t want to start our relationship off like that. I can’t show him my crazy too early. I gotta ease it in.
Since Zeus trusted ole Shay, I sauntered in the kitchen to see what I could cook up for me and him tonight and then I would take my bath and put on something sexy. Hopefully Shay’s ass would be long gone because I know damn well, she wasn’t about to clean his whole entire house. I had plans and I was set on following through with them before my man got home. I smiled to myself. I could actually call someone my man without looking crazy in these streets.
On the menu tonight was chicken spaghetti, corn on the cob, green beans, and buttered rolls. I also whipped up a strawberry cake. Once I was good and done, Shay finally emerged from one of the rooms hollering that she was done. Good bitch. Now get out.
After closing and locking the door behind her, I placed the food in an insulated bag that was made to keep the food warm. I then switched my hips to the bathroom to shower. I was going to soak in the jetted tub, but I felt like I was running out of time. I wanted to be in this black teddy when Zeus pulled up. Black looked good with my orange hair and against my skin tone. My hair was going to be down and messy. The look on his face when Zeus lays eyes on me was going to be priceless.
My phone chimed and I leaped for it. It was Zeus letting me know he was down the street. Baby I broke my neck trying to fix him a plate to have it ready for him on the table and then a quick onceover of myself to make sure I was still on point. When I heard the keys jangle, I was standing by the table waiting for Zeus’s sexy ass to appear.
“Gah da-,” he said, stopping to move his widened eyes down my frame. “Do a fuckin’ spin bae.”
This teddy was in my ass, okay? My ass wasn’t big but it was a handful. I did my spin, making sure my cheeks did a little jiggle, and Zeus let out a low groan that I felt in my pussy. The sounds that came out his mouth when he was pounding me... He needed to just hurry up and eat so we could get to the fun part.
“Go wash up bae so you can get some of this good ass food in your stomach,” I cooed while walking up on him. Zeus reached around me and gripped my ass, pulling my body into his.
“You see how hard I am for you? You see how you get him each and every fucking time?”
“He missed me all day.” I grabbed his face and brought it down to mine. We kissed – passionately, before he left to go wash up. I sat down at the table to wait for him. My ass was hungry too. I was so busy wondering who the fuck that little maid was to him and making sure everything was right, that I didn’t even feed my face.
Zeus entered his dining area with a big ass grin on his face and rubbing his hands together. It was his reaction for me. I loved it. This was something I could get used to. Getting separate living quarters was what was needed right now, but ooou baby, the day we move in together for real, for real... I couldn’t wait, but we had to get to know each other better for a few months...maybe a year or two...before that happens.
I just believe when two people move in together too early and rush it, the relationship will crumble in the future. I don’t know. That was just my way of thinking and I know it’s not everybody because every relationship is different. I’ve been there, done that. I moved in with my ex, Justin, like three days after meeting him and it was a bad move and vowed to never do that shit again. My shit wasn’t even in his house good enough and he started that controlling shit.
“This shit fire,” Zeus said after taking a few big bites, and pointing his fork down at the plate. “Shay came over with an attitude?” he laughed and that got my attention.
“Now why would she have an attitude?” I asked.
“Because that girl wants the D and she knows damn well I’m not giving her any,” he answered.
“You haven’t?
Zeus frowned, “No.”
“Why is she still working for you, and you know she cannot keep it at a professional level?” I pondered. Zeus took a few gulps of his lemonade and then wiped his mouth with the napkin I had provided him with.
“She needs this job and I pay her well for cleaning this big house. Her mom is in prison, and she is taking care of her brother while going to school. Shay knows I’m not fucking her, so that’s that on that.” Zeus tried to dismiss the issue but nope, crazy me wasn’t having it.
“You can’t save everybody. You could have recommended her to someone else who is needing a housecleaner,” I one shoulder shrugged.
“She gets the job done.”
“I guess. As long as she knows her place,” was the last statement I made before stuffing my face. Zeus was not about to ruin my damn mood. Shit, he didn’t even have to bring her ass up because she was already forgotten.
“You want her to clean your crib? You know, before you move in?”
“Are you trying to be funny?” I questioned Zeus, before going back to stuffing my face.
He shook his head. “Not at all. She could probably use the money.”
I snorted.
“What?” he queried.
“You really be looking out for this girl.”
“It isn't like what you think. She just looking out for her brother, her crib and utilities, and most likely putting money on her mom’s books. Their dad isn’t in the picture. I have a soft spot for shit like that,” explained Zeus.
” I said, dry.
Zeus began to chuckle. He took another bite of his food, gulped his drink, and then stood and ambled over to me.
“What’s funny?” I asked him?
“You. Jealous. It’s cute.”
“I am not jealous and definitely not insecure, it’s just the principle. You should have seen what she wore.”
“I saw it and I’ma get on her ass.”
I groaned. I had forgotten Zeus had cameras. When he noticed the realization spread on my face, his dark brown eyes lit up and he licked those sexy ass lips of his. He had seen me cooking and walking around his house in the teddy before coming home. He had watched me.
“You make me sick,” I smiled. “This was supposed to have been a surprise.”
“I was surprised. Surprised when I saw you in the app looking delicious. I hurried up the business meeting to come back home to you. You sure you want to move out?” Zeus asked.
“Yeeeeah,” I stressed.
“Get up.”
“For what? I’m eating,” I lied. I mean technically I was, but I knew what was coming next and I was excited as fuck. Horny as fuck. I know I was moving in my own shit, but I could still see myself over here every damn night rubbing my feet in between his and going to sleep.
“So, I can have my dessert before I shower and call it a night.”
After drinking my lemonade, I stood. Zeus wasted no time sticking his tongue in my mouth and groping my ass. I was ready to come up out of this lingerie because my juices were already causing my inner thighs to stick together. Zeus let me up for air and grabbed my hand to lead me to the bedroom.
That was another thing. I had it set up with candles everywhere. He already saw the setup when he went to wash up, but he had still stopped to admire it again.
“You’re so dope,” he stated, the same time he bent down, unsnapped my lingerie at the crotch and cupped my pussy with his mouth. I couldn’t even respond and let him know he was too.
My wife was indeed Superwoman. Diah handled her company needs, the household needs, and still made time to take care of Rome’s birthday party. It was a Dallas Cowboy’s theme and there was blue and white everywhere. Tomorrow was his birthday party, and I couldn’t wait for it to come and go. This lil’ nigga knew it was his birthday and he was being extra bad today. I had to give him his birthday licks early three times today. Now all the kids were asleep except Celeste who Diah was breastfeeding in the bed and watching Growing Hip Hop: Atlanta.
“Hands down you’re the best mom ever,” I told Diah, sliding in the bed beside her. “Rome is like five kids in one.” I let out a low whistle while shaking my head. “He is only good when he’s sleeping. He looks like an angel right now.”
“Hopefully this one I’m carrying is a boy so he’ll have a brother he could play with. His sisters don’t be fucking with him and giving him the attention that he wants.”
“Yeah, I agree, but if that is a boy, I hope he is much calmer than Rome’s ass.
“Get off my boy, Roman,” she smiled. “He’s all boy. Be here more. He is around females all day long. He can’t help but torture them. Anyway, why didn't you tell Zeus about the party? Are y’all beefin’?”
I tensed at the sound of my brother’s name coming from Diah’s mouth. Zeus was always at my kid’s birthday parties and major events, but shit, I wasn’t feeling him coming this year to Rome’s party. We weren’t even on speaking terms unless it was business, and we barely mumbled a word to one another when it came to that. Me and Zeus to be ace boon coons and now we were distant, and it was all behind a bitch. A bitch I fell in love with.
Diah was my wife, but I had fallen in love with Perri too. So in love, I was with her as much as I was with Diah. Knowing my brother was feelin’ the same shit I had been feeling for seven months, had me seeing red. I’d push her out of my mind for a few moments and then Perri would evade it all over again. Diah could be talking to me and I would just zone out.
“You invited him?” I questioned her.
Diah nodded and was looking like ‘Why wouldn’t I?’
I ran my hand down the side of my face and let out a frustrated breath of air. Diah stood up and left the room with Celeste and then came back and got back in bed with me.
“What is going on with you and Zeus? I had just spoken with him and he got a girlfriend and everything. Said he is gon’ bring her to the party.”
My eyes widened and my blood began to boil. This was the type of shit I couldn’t handle right now and for Zeus to come to the party already had me heated, but it was the audacity of him to bring Perri along with him. As quick as I had gotten mad, I calmed my ass back down so Diah wouldn’t question me.
“Do you know her?” she asked, turning the lamp off beside her.
“Who?” I played stupid.
“His girlfriend. You know Zeus never just called a female his girlfriend. She must be very special to him.
“Nah. I don’t know her.”
It was the morning of the party, and the party planners were here at the crib early. Diah fixed breakfast and we showered together. I guess she was over being angry at me because she let me bend her over in the shower and fuck her like we were the only two people in the house.
I had a lot of pressure built up. Once I released the first time, my dick was back hard and Diah tried to wash off after the first round, but I picked her ass up and dropped her back down on my dick. I sucked on her titties as she bounced up and down on my dick until we both exploded at the same time. I could have gone a third round, but Diah wasn’t having it, so I ended up jacking off and then washing up to help with the party. My job was mainly to keep Rome away from everything, especially the cake, until it was party time.
I still couldn’t understand why Zeus felt like it was cool to bring Perri to my son’s party. That was some foul as shit. He knew that. It was as if my brother was taunting me. Being petty ‘n shit. He was foul as fuck for fucking her. She was fine but was off fucking limits. I had to shake them off my mind because I was getting angry all over again.
Time had gone by, and it was now two in the afternoon and time for the party to start. I had to smoke a blunt before I treaded downstairs to join the party. There were a lot of people already outside in the backyard. Because my mama was restricted to the bed, she couldn’t be here. My eyes roamed through the thick crowd until they found Zeus and Perri talking to Diah. Perri seemed uncomfortable as she should. She shouldn’t even be in my wife’s face. She was wack for this. Perri should have declined Zeus’s invitation just off the fact that she had fucked me and was now in my wife’s face. I wanted to march over there and go the fuck off, but once again, this was Rome’s party, and my wife had no idea I had fucked over her with the beautiful ass woman with orange hair. Fuck. It was hard for me to keep my eyes off her. It was like the first time I had seen her, and I had to have her. And I did. Right there in the bathroom. My dick was getting hard standing here staring at her. Perri and Zeus had to have felt me looking their way because they both turned and glanced my way. I frowned and turned to busy myself looking for the kids. They were gon be the ones to stop me from going to my room and get my .38 and put a hot in one in both of them.
“Roman!” I heard Diah call my name. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth before turning back around. She was smiling and waving me over. I did not want to meet Perri. Hell, I knew Perri. Very well. In and out. Lumbering over to my wife, I stopped beside her, and she wrapped an arm around my waist.
“This is Perri. Zeus’s girlfriend. Perri, this is my husband, Roman,” Diah re-introduced us. Perri was biting her lip. Something she did when she was nervous. Zeus’s face held no expression. I would have thought he would at least have a smug look on his face.
“’Sup,” was all I said, and Perri gave me a small wave. “Ima go check on the kids.” I turned and left. That was awkward as fuck, and I wish those two would have never showed up. I made sure to keep my distance f
rom Zeus and Perri. I was pretty sure our family and friends that were in attendance could tell there was something going on with me and my brother. We were usually together, beers in our hands and laughing on the side. The vibe wasn’t there today because he wanted to be a foul ass fuck nigga and I made sure to keep my distance away from the both of them.
Diah made sure to make sure Perri was welcomed and felt comfortable. After a while Perri started conversing with Diah and that was some grimy ass shit. If I wasn’t scared of losing my wife and family, I'd tell her and watch her beat the fuck out of Perri. My wife could fight but she calmed down when we started having kids. It was fuck Zeus and Perri from here on out.
I should have never allowed Zeus to bring me to his nephew’s birthday party. I tried to back out so many times. Diah was so nice, and I regret even fucking with Roman knowing he had a wife with kids. Zeus held my damn hand almost the whole time because I was shaking so bad. Their kids had come over to touch my orange hair. Diah was cute with her blonde hair. If the circumstances were different, me and her could probably be good friends because I loved pretty bitches and she was nice, but I could tell she was a boss bitch.
Roman glared at me and Zeus during the entire party. I was praying that nothing popped off. I knew Roman wasn’t goin’ to start no shit because that was his family on the line. Diah looked like she would leave his ass behind disloyalty.
“You good?” Zeus asked me, brows dipped and wrinkles in his forehead once we climbed back in his car.
“No, I’m shaking. I’m far from a scary bitch but she was so nice and I feel like shit. It would be different if I didn’t know he had a wife and kids, but I knew Zeus. I should have left him alone. No woman deserved this. I'd go ham if I found out you were cheating on me so imagine how Diah would feel.”
Zeus didn’t respond. He just nodded and started his car. I was hungry. I didn’t dare eat at the party even though the BBQ smelled so good. Zeus ate and tried to get me to taste a rib or wing, but I declined knowing damn well my stomach was touching my back. Without me telling him, Zeus fixed us both a to-go plate and I was going to smash it when I got to my house.